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Ann Sheeley

Keeping Teens Safe on the Road During the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer”

Updated: Jul 17

Finally, school is out and summer has arrived! As we celebrate the warm weather and make plans for fun in the sun, it is important to know that we are also in the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer” for teenagers in the U.S. According to We Save Lives Highway Advocates, nearly 700 teenagers die in fatal car accidents between Memorial Day and Labor Day, which is statistically a much higher rate (26%) than teen fatalities in other months of the year. [1] It’s no surprise that accidents spike when school’s not in session and teens have more free time to spend with friends.

As a Rhode Island Personal Injury Law Firm who has represented many accident victims over the past 25 years, Sheeley Law is committed to helping keep teens – and entire community – safe. Below are actions both parents and teenagers should take to reduce the risk of getting into a serious or fatal accident:

1. Drive Home the Dangers by Sharing These FACTS with Teenagers:

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  • Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death for teens. [2]

  • Teens ages 16–19, especially males, are at a higher risk than any other age group.

  • 60% of accidents are caused by distracted driving. [3]  The top distraction is actually other passengers but certainly speeding, cellphones, social media, the radio and other risky behaviors are responsible for causing too many teen accidents.

  • Drinking and driving is another obvious leading cause of teenage deaths on the road during the summer months. These statistics continue to climb every year.

  • It’s not only teens that are more likely to die in car crashes; they are also a leading cause of death to others on the road, including their passengers, pedestrians and drivers/occupants in vehicles sharing the road. Therefore, we all have a vested interest in ensuring that our teenage children are extra vigilant behind the wheel.

2. Be a Good Role Model:
  • Don’t drive distracted. If you text and drive, it is likely your teen driver will too. You should lead by example and avoid distracted driving and ALWAYS drive sober. 

  • Don’t speed. Teens must follow posted speed limits and parents should set a good example by doing the same. This is doubly important for novice drivers. Teenagers who just received their license are three times as likely to be involved in a fatal accident due to their lack of experience and maturity.

  • Never serve alcohol or other drugs at parties. Not only is it dangerous, but in some states like Rhode Island, parents can be held liable for underage drinking. The consequences are severe if a teenager is intoxicated and gets in an accident leaving your party.


 3. Set Rules
  • Passenger limits – the likelihood of an accident increases when more people are in a vehicle. No more than four people, including the driver, should be in your teen’s car at one time.

  • Seatbelts – remind your teen each and every time they get behind the wheel that they must buckle up. ·   

  • Limit nighttime driving – It’s no surprise that many of the accidents that occur happen at night due to limited visibility, exhaustion from a long day and impaired drivers on the road. This is an especially risky time for teens. Set reasonable curfews with your teens on when they need to have the car home, safe and sound.

  • Obey the speed limits - Teens are more likely than older drivers to speed and to allow shorter distances from the front of one vehicle to the front of the next.

  • NEVER DRINK OR DO DRUGS AND DRIVE – we can’t state this enough. In addition to putting themselves - and others - at a significant risk for injury and death, a conviction for DUI will dramatically affect your teen’s life. It’s not just alcohol either. Marijuana use is responsible for a number of motor vehicle crashes each year. It’s up to you to enforce strict zero tolerance rules with your teen and encourage them to refuse to ride in a car with anyone who has been drinking.

4. Urge Your Teen To Call You - Anytime

If your child is in a risky situation but they are afraid they will get in trouble if they tell you, then they will likely make a bad decision, such as driving impaired or getting in a car with someone who is unfit to drive. By reminding your teenager that they can call you anytime, without repercussions, you increase the chances of them making a good decision and avoiding a potentially dangerous accident.



We at Sheeley Law want you and your family to have fun this summer, but more importantly, stay safe. Accidents can happen to anyone, but if you and your teens follow these safety tips, we can all help reduce the risks significantly. Always remember, Sheeley Law is here for you if you need an experienced Rhode Island Personal Injury or Criminal Defense Attorney. For more information and a free consultation, contact Attorney Ann Sheeley at 401-619-5555 or  











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