The unofficial start of the summer is finally here! With restrictions recently lifted and folks eager to return to a sense of normalcy, the unofficial start of summer promises to be a busy one filled with cookouts, concerts, motorcycle and boat rides, as well as other outings with friends and family.

Tens of millions of Americans are expected to travel near and far this holiday weekend, so it is especially important to include safety into your weekend plans. You can also count on the weekend being full of DUI checkpoints and a heightened police presence, designed to keep our roadways safe and prevent DUIs/OUIs. According to the National Coalition for Safer Roads, Memorial Day Weekend is the most dangerous weekend of all weekends to be on the road due to the sheer volume of cars traveling, the rush to get from one place to another, and the large consumption of alcohol. We at Sheeley Law want you to have fun, but more importantly, stay safe. Please follow these safety tips to keep you and your loved ones out of harm’s way:
1. Be prepared
Make sure your car is in good shape to hit the road, check your tire pressure and schedule a maintenance appointment if you are traveling far. Whether you are traveling 5 miles or 500 miles, always make sure you have gotten plenty of sleep before you get behind the wheel.
2. Watch out for distracted drivers
Rhode Island has a hands-free driving law but that does not stop people from driving distracted. Always be aware of others on the road and drive attentively and defensively.
3. Watch the weather forecast and allow extra travel time
With so much severe weather occurring across the country, pay attention to the forecast on your travel route and drive cautiously. It is more important to arrive at your destination safely, than to arrive at your desired time. Obey all traffic laws and do not speed.
4. Avoid driving during the highest times of risk
According to the National Safety Council, Monday afternoon and evening is the most dangerous time to drive given that amount of alcohol consumed at Memorial Day parties, combined with people being tired from the long weekend.
We can't state this enough. In addition to putting yourself and others at serious risk, a conviction for DUI will dramatically effect your life. At a minimum, you can expect that:
You will get arrested
You will have to appear in Court
You will pay significant fines
Your license will likely be suspended
You may go to jail, depending on the severity of your DUI or if you are a repeat offender
You will need to attend a driving safety class
You may need to get an ignition interlock system installed into your car
We at Sheeley Law encourage you to have fun this Memorial Day Weekend, but please celebrate safely and don’t drink and drive. Accidents and DUIs can happen to anyone, but by following these safety tips you can reduce your risks significantly. Always remember, Attorney Ann Sheeley is here for you if you need an experienced Rhode Island Personal Injury or Criminal Defense Attorney. For more information and a free consultation, contact us at 401-619-5555 or